Loving the “Unlovable”
I am so thankful for your partnership in the gospel to see young students lives transformed. God has shown me this month how to “love the ‘unlovable'”. That means earning the trust of students by pursuing them and being a consistent presence in their life. Society has written off the students I work with, but Jesus says: “‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'” The students I work with come from difficult home backgrounds that don’t seem very promising to the eyes of the world…but Christ says that he identifies with the “least of these”–those the world has written off.
Youth Band and Gospel Proclamation
The youth band has officially learned their first song! In a world where kids minds are being flooded with explicit lyrics through tik-tok and social media, this worship team is essential. They went from never laying with other musicians to playing on a worship team for GOD!