Don’t worry, this is not a U.S. post-election blog, but yes, the dust is settling there as well. Christians will have to reassess “how” we continue the mission of God, making disciples, but not “if” we should do so. The ground in which we sow can go from rich soil to scorched earth, but we are called to cultivate the hard hearts of the world around us and sow the truth with faith and hope. That is a post-election principle for any nation.

But the dust is finally settling for us after our move and other trips. Myra and I traveled to Lviv and Ternopil, Ukraine at the end of October, and while there I ministered at the Ternopil conference and in the Lviv church. A highlight of the Lviv trip was ministering to a new small group of young professionals. Why was a small group a highlight? The reason might surprise you. In the past there were no young professionals to be found, and it is a new mission field that pastor Igor and his team are very excited about.




After our return to Krakow, Myra and I led two consecutive services in Christ the King Church on the heart of parenting. I focused the first Sunday on the example of faith and obedience that we as parents should model, and Myra focused the second Sunday on how to minister truth and encouragement to the hearts of our children at different phases of their lives. We are ultimately called to minister the Father heart of God in the spirit of redemption to all age groups.

For the next few weeks we are finishing up our registration process so that we can get our boxes out of customs, so please pray for a quick resolution to this process. We are also doing our strategic planning for our top-priority projects for the next six months, and this includes trips to Romania, Albania, and Czech Republic.

Please continue to pray for Romania because we are in contact with several people who are considering moving there to help us begin the new outreach with students. We are also following up a list of 58 people from our Cape Town conference last month who sense a call to Europe. Jesus commanded us to pray for such a list, “… ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers”.

So you get the picture, the dust is settling from our move, but all of us on our extended European team are stirring up more dust as we pry open the rusty gates of Europe in faith. Thanks for standing with us and God bless!

Mike and Myra


1. Quick registration process in Poland
2. New financial partners for our expanded ministry
3. Upcoming Albania, Czech Republic & Romania missions
4. Peace for Ukraine




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