There are markers in life that reflect how far we have traveled or what we have accomplished on the journey. However, some milestones signify a change in our leadership based on those whom we lead reaching their own milestones, and this, of course, requires significant yet rewarding change on our parts. The biggest change recently is with our daughter Rebecca. She graduated from Wheaton College and is entering the workforce. Our nest is empty, but our hearts swell with pride as she embraces her own leadership, and our roles have changed for both her and our oldest, Abigail, as we are now mentors as they grow in pursuing their callings.

- We were blessed to attend our Every Nation Build Conference in London just before our trip to the US for Rebecca’s graduation. God is doing many things in the nations of Europe, and we serve with an amazing team in this mission.
- I will attend our Build Conference in Lviv, Ukraine the beginning of June, and this is the first major European conference that we are holding in Ukraine. While there I will be promoting new missions opportunities for greater Europe as well as ministering in the Lviv church.
- We will return to Poland the second half of June to a full preaching schedule in Krakow through August.
- During all this, we are ramping up our plans to kick off a major outreach in Timisoara, Romania in October of this year.
In all these endeavors we trust in God through the faith and generosity of His people to sustain us, and we thank those of you who are a part of that. We ask others to consider becoming a part of our team as we continue to advance God’s kingdom. Thanks and God bless,
Mike and Myra
1. New financial partners for our expanded ministry
2. Healing for Myra
3. Strength and grace for our travels
4. Team development for Romanian projects
5. Peace for Ukraine