Sometimes, events happen in such rapid succession that we don’t have time to pause and take it all in. Fresh out of the Asbury outpouring, we drove to Chicago for a few days with our daughters; flew to Krakow, Poland, to teach for a week in our Europe school of ministry; a friend drove us to Prague; we began our immigration process; Myra started Czech language classes (I will start soon); we met with many new people; Myra took part in a missiology symposium at Charles University; we planned and led a pastor’s retreat with our regional team in Krakow; and we continued our seminary studies. That’s a blur!
We are encouraged that my strength continues to increase, and this simple update shows you some of the people and places where God is at work. A highlight of our retreat was that Pastor Igor was permitted to exit Ukraine and attend with his wife, Elina, and their daughter, Sophia.