Lilley Family
Special Update – May 2016
This week I made the announcement that we are closing The Boiler Room at the end of July this year. You can read the blog post and watch my video update here (forgive me if you have already been updated through multiple other channels).

I wanted to send a special update to those who receive our monthly newsletter. Many of you have or do support us financially or prayerfully in a personal way. You may wonder how the Boiler Room’s closing impacts the Lilley family. We are honestly in a transition season and do not know all that the future holds, but here’s what we know right now.

We plan to continue our Boiler Room schedule as usual (Friday Nights and Prayer Room) until July 8-9 when we host our final 24-Hour Burn and Celebration gathering at the Boiler Room. The rest of July will require a lot of work to pack up, clean up and move out.

Even after the Boiler Room closes, I will continue to serve as a full-time prayer missionary, giving around 20+ hours each week to ministry to the Lord through worship, intercession and the Word, whether in my private time or in prayer meetings with other believers. Worship and prayer are a central part of my ministry and calling that I take very seriously. God has called me as an “Anna” (Luke 2:36-37) to pray and fast, day & night. This is a major part of my calling, probably for the rest of my life. Intercesion is a vital and important ministry in itself, and prayer will continue to be the foundation of my discipleship and ministry leadership.

I will continue to serve the Burn 24-7 tribe as the southeast regional director, now helping encourage and resource nine Burn locations from North Carolina to Florida. It’s my joy to serve under the leadership of Sean Feucht and the Burn 24-7 team. We are excited about the National Burn Summit in July in Virginia Beach and our Southeast Regional Summit in Raleigh this September.

Our local Boiler Room staff will continue to seek the Lord regarding what is next for us to do in Greenville and eastern North Carolina. I still have a burning vision for a 24/7 prayer furnace to be established in our region, as do others involved in the Boiler Room. I believe it’s the will of the Lord, and it will happen in His timing. We are seeking Him for what we are to do next.

Thanks for your ongoing support in this season of transition! We really believe the best is yet to come! Whatever God has planned is awesome because God is good!

I appreciate those who have reached out with encouragement, questions or comments. Please don’t hesitate to email me at I love hearing from you!


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