I have received a question lately from a few people… “So what exactly are you doing now?” Rather than overloading the newsletter with details, I posted an entire blog post on my web site with lots of details for those who are curious – What Exactly Am I Doing in This Season?.
We have previously outlined our general plan in our 2017 Vision Packet (PDF format), and our latest blog post brings some detail as to how exactly that is fleshing out so far this year.
This is such an exciting season for us! It is very full, as God is opening a lot of opportunities for us. Enjoy the photos and brief updates below!
Matthew & Shepard Lilley
Prayer Missionaries to North Carolina & beyond
Trip to Birmingham, Alabama with Niko Peele and Mike Thornton in late January. I got to lead worship at Ignite UAB campus ministry, connect with the leaders of the Birmingham Prayer Furnace, and meet with our Burn Atlanta crew on the drive down. We are planning to take the Ignite Jesus Tent to the Woodlawn neighborhood this fall for a multi-day Burn + outreach.

I recently set up a Boiler Room archive site at prayforgreenville.org with photos as well as the music and teaching resources that were produced. When I posted the link on Facebook I was overwhelmed by the positive comments and testimonies from people.
“Oh the Boiler Room, the most special place for me in college. So glad it was open during my time, my home away from home… Thank you Matthew for obeying God. It impacted my life.” – Heather

Here’s the new home office and prayer room!

Doing a lot of conference calls lately! Leading leaders through modern technology including southeast US Burn 24-7 directors, presence pioneers, and the Burn Field Training group I am leading.
Prayer Points:
- Western North Carolina Presence Pioneers trip, February 28-March 6. We will be connecting with leaders of 10-15 different houses of prayer, Burns and praying churches. Pray for ministry favor and traveling grace as we take the whole family with us!
- Burn Hickory launch March 17
- David’s Tent DC trip March 23-24 to lead worship and serve