Greetings dear friends!
I hope each of you are doing well in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
I enjoyed my time in the States and returned to Ethiopia refreshed and ready for this next season!
Exciting things are happening! After praying and looking for the last year we have found a new place for our church in the center of the city. We work a lot with young people and this is the prime location for us to be.
This place is a miracle for us. The main thing keeping us from moving before has been price. While this place is a faith stretch for us we got the place for 60-70% percent of market value! We really sensed that this was Gods provision to help us fulfill the work that He has called us to so we stepped out in faith.

This week we are busy working on our new facility and preparing for a four day conference next week. We have a team coming from America who will be leading this conference which will be focused on prayer, worship and mission.
I want to ask if you would be willing to give a one time contribution to help us with the added costs of our facility and for the upcoming conference. We currently need to raise $15,000. If you’re willing to contribute at this strategic time please visit us at https://www. and designate Ethiopian Missions. If you are giving, please send me an email and let me know.
Please pray for us as we transition and for the upcoming conference!
Thank you for your friendships and partnerships!