Greetings dear friends!
I hope that each of you is doing well in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Summer has ended, the rains are ending and our students are returning to school. By God’s grace, it has been a fruitful and productive summer!
Some highlights include:
-Our first cross-cultural youth missions training: We have
The impact was significant! Some who had previously never shared their faith with someone that they did not know began joyfully and confidently sharing their faith. Many “caught” and embraced Gods vision for the nations and made commitments to serve Him wherever and however He would lead them! We sent out our first short-term missions team! Four of our youth went to Jinka (a town in the southern part of Ethiopia) for a week of evangelism. Over 300 people heard the gospel and 25 people committed their lives to Christ! Praise God!
-We sent teams out almost every Saturday over the summer sharing the gospel around our church and around Addis Ababa University. Seeds were sown and commitments were made!
-Baptized new believers.
-Significant growth took place in the lives of our youth this summer. Many stepped into to new areas of ministry and took on greater roles of responsibility. I am encouraged by the growth that I see in their lives! It was one of my great joys to see Sofi, a third-year medical student who has been in our church for almost four years preach his first sermon this past Sunday! He did an amazing job! These young people are hungry for and devoted to God. I am confident that God will continue to use them greatly for His purposes!
As our students begin their classes please pray for protection, success in their studies, and fruitfulness in their ministries.
In addition to investing into the spiritual lives of our youth, we also invest in their academic pursuits. Each year through your generous financial support we provide scholarship assistance for several of our students. If you would like to make a financial contribution towards our educational scholarship fund please visit us at http://www. globalimpactresources.org. Please designate Ethiopian Missions.
Thank you for partnering with us in raising up this young generation for Gods glory and purposes!