Greetings dear friends!
Here is a quick update on some our ministry projects in Ethiopia.
Our partner school is continuing to faithfully and effectively serve the youth and community of Wonji Shoa. We are excited and thankful for the completion of an additional classroom for our high school students. A huge thanks to all of you who helped make this happen! See photos below. I received a text this week from Pastor Tegeny, the founder of our partner school, requesting prayer for our students as they prepare for their upcoming regional and national exams. Please join us in prayer for their success. By Gods grace, the devotion of our incredible team and your prayers and financial support our students have year after year performed at some of the highest levels in the country. I am also thankful and filled with joy to see the growth of our church in Addis under our new leadership. They are doing a phenomenal job! Prayer and evangelism have been two of the major focus areas. We praise God that seventy people have committed their lives to Christ this year! Please continue to pray for our leadership team, the church and for more and more people to encounter the life changing love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Thank you for your faithful partnerships over the years in changing lives and destinies in the nation of Ethiopia.