Greetings dear friends,
I hope this message finds each of you doing well in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
I am doing well by Gods grace. Am experiencing a deep level of peace, joy and refreshing in this season of my life…so thankful!
I have been enjoying quality time here with family and friends…it’s been really good having this time after so many years abroad. My home is coming together, still a few projects remaining but getting there. Have really enjoyed hosting family and friends. Am being intentional in meeting my neighbors and am enjoying having some of them over for dinner. Please pray for the people that I’m meeting here and that I will be able to love and serve them well.
I am spending a lot of time networking in the Asheville area. Visiting different churches, inviting pastors for coffee/lunch and meeting different ministry leaders. I attended a pastoral fellowship a couple of weeks ago which had 30 plus pastors from area churches and will be attending another pastors luncheon this week. There are a lot of missions agencies in this area and I have been visiting some of them as well. I’ve also been building some bridges into the rather large Ukrainian/Russian community in this area. Basically meeting people, learning about what God is doing in this area and exploring opportunities.
I am also meeting online regularly with our team in Ethiopia…they are doing a phenomenal job! The church is growing in every aspect in this time…so encouraging…again, so thankful! Please continue to pray for them as they continue to expand their reach into the nation of Ethiopia.
I recently had the privilege to speak in an online Bible college class about missions…it was a joy! I will also be speaking about missions at a church on 3/17. Please pray for me as I speak more on missions in this coming season and that people will be inspired and motivated to join more fully into Gods glorious plan to reach the nations.
Our partner school in Wonji is also doing well by Gods grace. We are approaching the completion of the first of a three classroom construction project. Our students are currently taking their first semester exams and will soon begin the second semester. Please pray for our students as they take their exams.
Thank you for your continued partnerships in making Christ known to the nations of the world!
May His blessings be upon you all!