Thank you so much for your continued support and prayer! I am truly grateful and humbled that you have partnered with us in ministry throughout this season. There are many updates to share from the last few months, and a big transition ahead!
Merrie and I went on a trip to Lebanon for 9 days with Covenant church in April where we served in a Medical Clinic. To say that this was a life-changing experience for us both would be an understatement! Though we had read about it, talked about it and seen videos, our eyes were opened to the true gravity of the refugee crisis. We learned what it was like to minister to Muslims in the Middle East and also were humbled to be able to serve there alongside other amazing missionaries and medical professionals. There is so much to share about our time there if you would like to know more; please feel free to ask!
This little hero is Siwar. Siwar and his mother are from an area now occupied by Isis. They have an incredible, amazing redemption story.
Also, In Kurdish, Siwar means “messenger/horseman who carries important news from afar” so he is already marked to be a messenger of the gospel! His mother made it to Lebanon after fleeing for her life and eventually they were taken in by Tyre Church. I had the great honor of meeting them while in Lebanon.

This little hero is Siwar. Siwar and his mother are from an area now occupied by Isis. They have an incredible, amazing redemption story. Also, In Kurdish, Siwar means “messenger/horseman who carries important news from afar” so he is already marked to be a messenger of the gospel! His mother made it to Lebanon after fleeing for her life and eventually they were taken in by Tyre Church. I had the great honor of meeting them while in Lebanon.
Eastern North Carolina
My wife and I have continued leading worship here in Greenville and also at other events around the Eastern NC area. Last month, we had the pleasure of leading at an annual, citywide event in Washington, NC called “Praise Fest”. It was a time of great joy and freedom in God’s presence, and there were some who were saved, set free, and baptized!
Merrie has been volunteering her time with a local high school ministry called Elevate Campus Clubs and focusing on reaching the girls with love and God’s truth in on of the most defining times of a young woman’s life. Through this ministry she has built relationships and had opportunity to speak into their lives and offer guidance and prayer in such a crucial time.
As I’m sure you’ve heard, seen or read, the Boiler Room is closing down after 7 wild, incredible, glory filled years, but this is not the end! The ministry is relocating to more practical, accessible facilities (less stairs, newer / safer building etc.) and undergoing a name chance, but the vision is still to see 24/7 prayer and worship, and to ignite and sustain revival & awakening that touches the nations! Check out the new website HERE to find out more about this exciting new time for Eastern NC!
I am excited to share that we are entering a season of great transition as we plan to move to Raleigh, NC this August. God has been speaking to us, leading us to move to that area for a while but we were not sure of what we would be doing there. As He continued to speak and His plans for us unfolded it became clear that He was leading me to step into a greater leadership role as a worshiper. With great prayer and obedience to the Lord’s leading, I have accepted a position as a Worship Pastor at a church plant called “Restoration Church”. Merrie and I feel a lot of peace about this decision, as did other mentors and Pastors in our community with whom we prayed and consulted. This church has been meeting for over a year but will officially launch in August when we will also be moving there. We have been commuting to be with them two weekends each month and will continue to do so until we transition there full time. Their heart is to live on mission with Jesus in the Raleigh-Durham/Chapel Hill area and make disciples with a focus on intimacy with God and intimacy with others. We are very excited to join them in their vision and feel God has called us specifically to fill a niche in their leadership team to be able to share our strengths and also learn and be blessed by theirs. We look to the future with great expectation believe God is releasing us into an exciting new season of ministry!
I have officially transitioned out of my former role at the Boiler Room. To offset the expenses that come with moving and to pay down some debt, I took a temporary job working at Vidant Health. Merrie has to quit her job before we move, as she must complete a 600hr, un-paid Child Life Internship this fall in order to graduate. Restoration Church is still growing and currently unable to offer a full salary for me, so I will be finding a job to work during the week. Meredith & I would be greatly honored if you decided to continue partnering with us financially into this next season of our lives at at Restoration Church! I would also like to be clear that though we feel called to relocate for this season, our hearts still burn to see God’s great plans for eastern Carolina to come to fruition, and we will continue to partner with strategic ministries in this region to see His kingdom come and His will be done in eastern Carolina! I have so much more to say but for the sake of brevity I will wrap up! I would love to share more information about Restoration & our future plans with you if you are interested! Thank you so much for being a part of the ministry which the Lord has called us to do! I pray the Lord will bless you and fill you with His joy, peace and love!
Meredith & I are able to be used in ministry because of your prayers, encouragement, and generosity. Thank you for partnering with us! You are such an integral part of what God is doing in this region through our ministry and Restoration Church!
God Bless you and yours!
To learn more about Franklin & Meredith Boone and how you can support their missionary work financially, please visit How To Give