I am sure you are at least somewhat aware of the ongoing refugee crisis in the Levant. The Syrian refugee crisis is the largest refugee crisis since World War II. More than 4 million people are displaced from their home and country and as many as 7 million are displaced from their homes but still within Syrian territory, bringing the total to a staggering 11 million men, women, and children who are fighting for survival with little to no resources at their disposal. Please, take a moment to envision the reality of this situation, a reality that 4 million Syrian people wake up to every day.
These are people who are like you and I in more ways than not. People with families, who are used to living in decent homes and apartments. People with jobs, careers, aspirations and dreams. People accustomed to having access to education and healthcare. Some of them are even our brothers and sisters in Christ. As war ripped through their nation, their lives were brought to rubble. Bloodthirsty extremists stormed through cities. Bombs fell from the skies. Young men and boys were called, and even dragged into battle. Since the conflict began in 2011, 11 million souls have faced a grim reality and found themselves with essentially no real choice but to flee for their lives & hope of liberty. Many were offered their lives to be spared if they converted to ISIL’s violent, radical brand of Islam, most refused. It is documented that 4 million left all that they had behind and made it across Syrian borders with little more than their very lives, many had only the clothes on their back. Tragically 72,000 civilians have already lost their lives due to the fighting in Syria, 12,000 of those civilians were children. A few of the people had friends and families in other countries who took them in, but the vast majority are living with almost nothing, as refugees in foreign lands. Some live in abandoned buildings with no heat or running water, some in storage sheds and some even take shelter in animal cages. Many live in makeshift settlements and tent-cities set up by governments and humanitarian organizations with limited resources.
There are 1.2-1.4 million refugees in Lebanon, a country whose population was previously only 4 million (Imagine some 64 million Mexican refugees suddenly arriving here in the US). Due to it’s size and location, Lebanon has born a great deal of weight in this crisis, & has suffered more than any of Syria’s other neighbors. The economy & resources of this tiny country have become overwhelmed exhausted, and the Lebanese government is not providing sufficient aid for the refugees. They need international assistance. The massive international humanitarian NGO & Nobel Peace Prize laureate, “Doctors Without Borders” says:
“Syrian refugees and other displaced people now living in Lebanon have profound humanitarian needs that are not being met. A similar situation is playing out in other countries hosting Syrian refugees as well. If these people are going to find real relief from the conflict plaguing Syria, and if their needs—particularly their medical needs—are going to be met, there must be a more expansive, concerted, and effective humanitarian response.”
We believe that the people of God should be the first to lay down their time, resources, and comfort to meet the needs of those who are suffering. For years, my wife and I have both had a growing passion to pray continually and give strategically, toward the well-being of our Christian brothers and sisters in the middle-east and for the salvation of those in this region who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus. For over a year I have also been in constant prayer specifically for the refugees (who are mostly Syrian) in this region, and though I already carried a passion for this, God began to increase my desire for their salvation and well-being. After the attacks in Paris and Beirut last fall, as my wife and I were praying for the victims and their families, we both sensed a new mandate in our hearts from God. For years we’ve known that God would eventually take us to that part of the world to share the love of Jesus, but had little idea of when or how, but that night as we prayed, the Lord spoke to both of us individually, and we knew the time had come to step further than prayer. We talked a few days later and confirmed that the Lord had spoken to both of us that we would go to Lebanon within a year. After sharing this with our friends locally, we found out that a local congregation, Covenant Church, would be sending a team of medical professionals to provide free medical care to a community of refugees in southern Lebanon. Through a series of divine connections we were able to connect with this crew in God’s perfect timing and join the team just as the application period ended.
From April 22, to May 1, 2016 Meredith and I, along with 1 other missionary and 4 medical professionals, will depart for a 9-day trip to the city of Tyre, Lebanon. While in Tyre, we will partner with a local church and refugee camp to run a free medical clinic. For many of these men, women, and children, this will be the only opportunity to receive treatment of this nature for an indefinite amount of time. We consider it a tremendous honor to have this opportunity to show the love of Jesus to these suffering people, whom He loves dearly. In Tyre, a place where Jesus actually walked 2000 years ago, miraculously healing a young Canaanite girl, we have the opportunity to be his hands and feet, and to bring healing to these beloved people.
Meredith and I have already begun preparing, practically and spiritually for this trip. Please keep us in your prayers as Covenant Church is taking us through a series of insightful, thorough trainings to prepare us for ministry in this context. We aim to follow God’s lead and take every opportunity strategically share the love of Jesus, while in Tyre. Many missionaries and ministers in this region are reporting a remarkable openness to the gospel since the rise of Muslim extremism, and they are calling for the church come, and to resource and send people to make the most of this opportunity to greatly increase the Kingdom of God. The call to go to Lebanon was very clear for both of us, and we believe that God will bring the provision for us to participate in this mission. We each need to raise $1,600 ($3,200 total) to cover our flight, food, and lodging for the 9 days, and would be honored if you would choose to be a part of this mission via. financial contribution! Please pray and ask God if, and how much He would have you to give! You can also help by spreading the word; Share this with someone who may also be interested in getting involved via prayer or giving!
- Pray for preparation & provision for our trip. Please pray that Merrie and I would be prepared in every way for effective ministry and that God would give us favor to raise money to cover the expenses of the trip by Tuesday March, 15.
- Pray for safety during travel. We believe in walking in faith, not fear! Pray that God would keep our team safe on every flight, and that He would guide and protect our every word, step, and decision while we are in Lebanon.
- Pray for the People! Pray for them to encounter the Love & Salvation of Jesus Christ! Pray that God would continue to send people to care for them & meet their basic needs (food, water, healthcare, shelter, safety, etc.). Pray for the Church to continue to respond in love and support! Pray that God would prepare hearts to receive the good news we have to bring them.
Meredith & I are able to be used in ministry because of your prayers, encouragement, and generosity. Thank you for partnering with us! You are such an integral part of what God is doing in this region through our ministry and the Boiler Room!
God Bless you and yours!
Thank you for reading, praying, and giving!
God bless you richly,
-Franklin D. Boone
Worship Director
To learn more about Franklin & Meredith Boone and how you can support their missionary work financially, please visit How To Give