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Greetings dear friends!
Grace and peace to each of you! I hope you’re all doing well in this time that we are in.
I want to thank you again for your recent generosity concerning our partner school in Wonji Shoa. Through your generous financial contributions we raised $8750 to help cover the costs of teachers salaries in this trying time. We are extremely thankful for your faithful partnerships. Your generosity ensured that our teachers would be able to provide food and cover living expenses for their families in this challenging time.
Due to limited internet access for most of our students in Wonji we are not able to provided educational services online. To continue serving our students in this time we are now initiating a program to provide home based study using copied handouts. Based on current government restrictions and the limited services that we can provide our students in this time we will only be charging 50% of our normal tuition rates. The funding that you provided helped offset our teachers salaries for April and covered them fully in May. The remaining balance in addition to the decreased tuition we will begin charging will help cover their salaries in June and July.
I also want to thank each of you who ordered coffee from us during the month of April. Your purchases enabled us to provide a months supply of food and sanitation supplies for eleven families from our school. To continue to serve our families in Wonji in this time we have decided to continue this initiative through the month of May. If you would like to enjoy premier Ethiopian coffee and partner with us in providing food and sanitation supplies to vulnerable families in this time, please visit us at https://genesiscoffeelab.com. $4 per bag will go toward this initiative and shipping is free for 2-5 bags.
Lastly, if you would like to partner with us through our, “Friends of WSE School initiative, please visit us at https://www.
Again, we want to extend our deepest thanks. We are thankful for your faithful partnerships for the past 15 plus years. May God bless each of you richly. May His blessings be upon your lives, your marriages, your families, your ministries, your finances, and your health! We thank God for each of you and love you all!!
In partnership,

Greetings dear friends!
I hope you’re all doing well in Gods grace! I am sure many of you are enjoying the fall season there…I always miss the beautiful falls of NC. It is summer here now, the rains have gone and its nice to see the sun consistently. A beautiful nature park (the first of its kind in Addis) recently opened and it has been nice to be able to get out and take some walks through the mountains of Addis. After all the years that I have lived here I was recently able to find a good gas grill and have been enjoying cooking out for myself as well as for some of our church programs.
We are back in full stride in our church and our partner school is now back in session as well (With social distancing and other safety measures). The students are all excited to be back in school after such a long time off. We as a church family are also excited to be back meeting together as well. We have relaunched our English programs in our church and they are going well. We are now offering separate programs in both Amharic and English. I am pretty busy leading several different English programs at this time including our Sunday morning meeting, a Tuesday afternoon Bible study, a Wednesday afternoon leadership class and a Thursday eyening Marriage on the Rock class. We are experiencing a lot of momentum at this time. Its really exciting to see a new wave of young people growing and stepping into who they are God.
Ethiopia is experiencing many challenges at this time as it seems that many nations are. Covid, a severe locust plague, tensions over a new dam project, ethnic tensions, a recent ethnic massacre in the western part of Ethiopia and a war that has broken out in the northern part of Ethiopia. With all that is going in America, Ethiopia and so many other nations I am encouraged by the words of Psalm 46:
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Selah There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day…“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
It is good to know that God is good and faithful, that He is on His throne, that He holds the nations in His hands, and that He is working all things out according to His glorious purpose! Thank you all for standing with us in friendship, in prayer and with your financial support. Your partnerships are making a difference in the lives of many people in Ethiopia.
Please continue in your prayers for our work here and for the nation of Ethiopia. If you would like to make a contribution in this time, please visit us at https://www.
I love and appreciate you all! May Gods grace, peace and blessings be upon you all!