Greetings dear friends,
I hope you are all doing well in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I hope you are all enjoying your summers as well.
Things here are going well by Gods grace. It is winter here and it is the rainy season.
It is also the winter break for students and our winter program is off to a good start. We have a guest, Niko Peele, Founder and Director of Ignite Movement, coming from the states next Friday. “Niko travels nationally and internationally championing what God is doing in this generation and calling students and young adults into a lifestyle of intimacy with the Father and love activism to change the world around them.” We are excited about Niko coming and working with our youth for ten days. We have many activities planned including trainings, outreaches, a youth worship conference here in Addis as well as a conference for the youth of Wonji Shewa. Please pray for this time.
The week of August 7, we are partnering with a team from Youth With a Mission (YWAM), to facilitate a five day training for young people who have a heart for the nations and cross cultural missions. Our vision is to see this young generation here in Ethiopia awakened, empowered and mobilized to reach the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Please pray for this strategic event as well.
We recently visited Wonji Shoa to attend the graduation ceremony for our KG students. It was a special time! Photos are attached.
Thank you for standing with us in reaching the youth of Ethiopia!
We are investing in our youth this winter and are believing God that it will be a transformational and fruitful time. Our winter programs will costs about $2500. If any of you would be willing to contribute financially towards our winter program or if you would like to become a monthly financial partner please visit us at http://www.
globalimpactresources.org and designate “Ethiopian Missions.” Please follow us on Facebook at https://m.facebook.com/Bethel-
International-Church-Ethiopia- 316359728549205/.
