Mike Watkins June 2023 Update

Mike Watkins June 2023 Update

Thirty Years Going!  This month marks thirty years since we moved to L’viv, Ukraine, as missionaries. I took my first trip to Moscow during the final years of the Soviet Union in 1989 to study advanced Russian, and I went on scouting trips to Russia or Ukraine every...
Eddie Evans June 2023 Update

Eddie Evans June 2023 Update

Greetings dear friends, I hope you’re all doing well in Gods grace! My time back in the States is going well…getting settled in, enjoying early morning walks at Lake Jordan, enjoying a wide variety of foods, enjoying time with family and friends, and exploring...
Eddie Evans May 2023 Update

Eddie Evans May 2023 Update

Greetings dear friends! I hope you’re all doing well in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Well…after a few needed extensions to my stay here I finally purchased my return ticket to the states…God willing I will be flying out next Thursday. It is...
Eddie Evans – April 2023 Update

Eddie Evans – April 2023 Update

Greetings dear friends! I hope you’re all doing well in Gods grace! The past two months in Ethiopia have been both fruitful and emotional. As I have shared with many of you over the past year, I have been sensing that this might be my last time living in Ethiopia....